Bramley Home Care

Bramley Home Care is an established independent home care provider with many years of experience in providing reliable, high quality professional care. Our aim is to provide a service that enables our customers to remain living independently in the comfort of their own home.
Do you feel that you need some support with personal care or just some help with day-to-day living? Get in touch and see what we can do for you and find out how we can make things that little bit easier.
Our care services are fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and we are affiliated and reviewed by homecare.co.uk.
We cover South Wiltshire, North Dorset and South-East Somerset.​
Bramley Family Offers
As a valued Bramley Home Care client, should the time arise that you can no longer remain in your own home and you need to move into residential care, either on a temporary or more permanent basis, then we have two fantastic offers just for you. Terms and conditions apply.
50% off Respite Stays Permanent Residential Care - Up to £250 off per week

“Bramley Home Care provided a care service over three weeks to my Mother, visiting four times per day. Without exception, the carers provided an exemplary level of care and compassion, professionalism and good humour. Our final weeks with our Mother were made happy, calm and certainly easier thanks to the outstanding level of support provided by the team. All the carers were all heroes. Truly professional and selfless in every respect. We thank you too for your extended support to all the family. We cannot thank the carers enough, alongside all the team behind them, for such brilliant care. We are indebted to you and your warmth and kindness will remain with us.”
The CQC (Care Quality Commission) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England, whose role is to make sure that health and social care services, such as Bramley Care, provide their clients with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care. Our most recent inspection in December 2021 was rated GOOD. The report can also be read on the CQC Website.