Useful information
Arrange a viewing of a Bramley Care Home
We warmly welcome you to visit our homes at any time, there’s no need to book in advance, simply drop in and see us. If you would prefer a scheduled tour, we would be happy to arrange this for you. You are also welcome to join us for lunch as part of your visit, just let us know in advance so we can make the necessary arrangements. To book, please contact us using the contact information provided below
We look forward to welcoming you.
Bramley House, Mere Telephone: 01747 860 192
Email: annad@bramleycare.com
Millbrook House, Child Okeford Telephone: 01258 860 330
Email: carolm@bramleycare.com
The Old Rectory, Stalbridge Telephone: 01963 362 624
Email: mandyw@bramleycare.com
What benefits may I be able to claim as a self-funder?
When you go into a care home you can still claim a number of benefits and there are potential additional state benefits available.
The two most common additional state benefits available are the Attendance Allowance which is available to anyone over 65yrs, needing care and support on a daily basis and Funded Nursing Care (FNC) for nursing care costs.
Find out more about Attendance Allowance
Find out more about Funded Nursing Care (FNC)
In addition to the above those who are assessed as having a ‘primary health need’ may also be able to claim ‘Continuing Healthcare Funding’ (CHC). This is arranged and funded by the NHS.
Find out more about Continual Healthcare Funding (CHC)
What local authority financial support is available whilst I sell my home?
Your local authority may part fund 12 weeks of care at the point you decide to sell your home. Local authorities may also offer their own deferred payment arrangements for care. This will typically involve a loan secured on your property.
For more information please speak to your local authority
Can I still receive my State Pension if I go into a care home?
Yes, you can still claim your State Pension.
Where can I find out more information on paying or funding care home fees?
For more information please visit ageuk.org
We welcome our customers comments and reviews
We welcome feedback and comments from our customers as this helps us maintain and, when necessary, improve our service. Please email our Operations Manager James Chalk or use our online platform at www.care home.co.uk and we would love to read what you have to say.
Our complaints procedure
We are committed to maintaining high standards however, in the unlikely event that customers or their representatives may wish to make a complaint. Please click here for the full details of the Bramley Care Complaints Procedure.